The way of least action: 4 ways to flow with life instead of reacting to it

The way of least action: 4 ways to flow with life instead of reacting to it

For most of my life, I believed that truly being and living well was a combination of fait, good/bad genes, determination, a lot of hard work, a level of sacrifice and perseverance.

The world around me seemed to affirm this – everyone seemed to be on the same pursuit, chasing something while trying to maintain some sort of sanity along the way.

Struggle was expected and something to be overcome. Stress, disconnection and suffering were simply par for the course.

And it always seemed like a choice between success (especially financial) OR health, joy and wellbeing. One came at the expense of the other.

This view is at the root of a collapsing society and we‘re starting to realise that there needs to be a better way, where the majority choose a more rewarding way to live.

Modern day life is rife with addictions of all kinds, poor mental health and levels of depression are at an all-time high.

But it doesn‘t have to be this way.

More and more people are waking up to the reality that being well and creating a beautiful life is how things were meant to be all along.

And that all success and abundance we could ever wish for come from living a balanced life and favouring flow over stress.

My take is that, if you‘re here reading this, you‘re either ready to embrace ease and grace in your life, or you‘re well on your way to doing so.

I want to share with you this powerful quote by Deepak Chopra, so we can reflect on it together.

“In physics, the law of least action holds that nature favours the shortest path to achieve a result. A tennis ball falls to earth in a simple curve, not a curlicue. An arrow flies straight to the target. Water boils at 212 degrees F. If nature is always this efficient, using the least effort and energy as possible, why do we complicate our lives? The combination of stress, struggle, and needless suffering is the result of a mindset that sees no other way to live.
But there has always been another way, as pointed out by the world’s wisdom traditions. Look into them, and you will find some astonishing propositions, including the following: Life was never meant to be a struggle. When you encounter the silent depth of your mind, some problems dissolve automatically while others present new solutions. Your higher self is real and wants only the best for you. A life aligned with the laws of nature is not only easier; it brings love, creativity, and bliss as our birthright.“ – Deepak Chopra

When we live life at the surface level of the mind, always reacting to what happens in our lives throughout the day and what‘s going on around us, it feels chaotic and stressful.

It feels like life is happening to us, and we‘re at the effect of external pressures, day in, day out.

We flood our mind-body system with the chemistry of survival (think adrenaline, cortisol) on a daily basis which contributes to a frazzled state.

This way of living starts planting the seeds of disease and undermines our capacity to access our potential and feel vibrant.

Reacting vs Responding to Life

When we‘re in a calm, relaxed and expansive state, we have the capacity to respond to life in a more powerful way.

When we‘re frazzled, stressed out and burn out, it limits the quality of our thinking which has negative consequences for our overall wellbeing.

So it‘s crucial that you have daily practices in place to access and create a state of flow and serenity that nourishes body and soul.

Obviously, being a Chopra Meditation™ Instructor, I‘m going to unapologetically endorse a daily meditation practice once again – seriously, it brings some serious magic into your life.

But there are 4 tools I‘d like to share with you, to take you away from reactivity and into your power.

Each of these tools is designed for you to access a deeper state of mind, which allows you to think with clarity and access qualities such as love, compassion and creativity.

I created this checklist to explain each one in detail, but here‘s a brief overview:

  • Cultivate expanded awareness – Practices such as meditation and yoga help you achieve this. The checklist explains how to do it on a moment-by-moment basis.
  • Pause – Introducing a pause when we notice something counter-productive is about to happen is very powerful.
  • Breathe – We can use the breath to signal to the body that it‘s ok to relax.
  • Ask silent questions – this is one of my favourite tools and when you practice using them often, they will become embedded in your mind, which helps you troubleshoot situations on the go.


I imagine a world where the majority of people live by the proposition that we have full power over our wellbeing.

That, at any moment of any given day, we can choose love over fear and possibility over suffering.

Where people get to know the truth of who they are and access the full power of their mind on a daily basis.

This is not to say that life won‘t present its challenges. We‘re not using these tools to bypass or burry our heads in the sand.

This is a matter of transcendence.

When we‘re firmly planted in this perspective, we can go out into the world and interact with each other from a place of wholeness.

Where our suffering is held by our wisdom, found in silence and stillness.

And ease and grace permeate every aspect of our lives.

Gorgeous one, you are powerful beyond measure.

May these tools be useful in getting you closer to the beauty that lives within you.


Goddesses in the world - Celebrating the Goddess within

P.S. If you enjoyed this post, I’d love to invite you to sign up to my mailing list here. Every week I share loving insights & tips on how to reignite your inner spark and I’d love you to join our community!

9 ways to cultivate joy and wellbeing in your life, right now

9 ways to cultivate joy and wellbeing in your life, right now

I don’t know about you, but the chaos of the last few years has been hard to digest.

It seems as though, just as some things seem to get better in the world, we get thrown another collective curve ball.

I’m an optimist at heart and I have a full toolkit to help keep me grounded and my spark and love for life alive and well.

But I see that society is not organised in a way that promotes wellbeing and the full expression of our potential as human beings.

It’s quite the opposite.

We’re socialised on a diet of violence, fear, drama, disenchantment, insecurities and addictions.

The message that you and I (and life itself) are not good enough as we are is exploited for profits and power.

My kids are 5 and 7 and I’ve been noticing how against the grain it is to create an environment of love, empowerment and expansion for them.

Even an innocent game of Minecraft has an underlying level of violence and addiction to it. Children’s movies too.

Some call it low-level, but is there such a thing? And is it actually needed?

Every day we receive thousands of disempowering messages through our screens, the media and other powerful institutions.

No wonder millions of people worldwide feel depressed. Our culture is geared around dimming people’s sparks and it’s time for a change.

That’s why you and I must REBEL! And do everything to empower each other to shine bright.

If enough of us insist on cultivating beauty and power in our own lives, the more this will become the way we all relate to each other as human beings.

Imagine a world designed to keep you vibrant, joyful, creative, connected and in your power.

And I see signs of this materialising all around me. There’s a real yearning from people to live from a place of love, compassion, vitality and creativity.

And the good news is that there are very simple things you can do to have this right now in your daily life.

Today I want to share with you my simple go-tos to experience more joy, love and beauty in my life every single day.

Simple changes in your daily life to have you grounded in a beautiful state

1. Create an uplifting morning routine

From the moment we wake up, we’re either setting ourselves up for joy, or making way for stress and anxiety.

A lot of us start our days with disempowering habits:

  • Looking at our phones (checking emails, social media and other notifications)
  • Watching/listening to the news
  • Snoozing until the very last minute, then rushing out the door
  • Get through our routine in auto-pilot

All of these habits activate our stress pathways. What’s worse, we’re allowing ourselves to be highjacked by negativity and for external sources to set the tone for our day without our even realising.

Instead, try this:

  • Start with meditation. If you can’t do 20 minutes, start with 5 and build up to it. This will have you start the day in a state of calm, bliss and spaciousness, before you become exposed to the demands of daily life.

  • If you have a partner or a pet, enjoy a moment of tenderness with them and really savour it. A good hug does so much for the soul!

  • Hydrate with water and notice how it feels. This is soooo underrated. Hydrating after a night’s sleep replenishes your body and gives you a chance to pause and be present to its needs.

  • Keep notifications off on your phone until you’re ready and grounded. This time is yours. Don’t let anyone/anything highjack it.

  • Set an intention for your day. Use affirmations or simply say out loud how you’d like your day to go. My favourite intention is “I am worthy of the best that love and life have to offer.”

  • Incorporate movement – from a full-on workout to gentle stretching, dancing to music in the kitchen, going for a walk. Moving gets you present in your body.

  • Take a mindful shower. Practice noticing the water running through your body, how it feels, notice your breath, inhale the scent of the soap.

  • Read/listen to something inspiring.

  • Play uplifting music

  • Eat nourishing food (if you have an appetite in the morning)

  • Add yours!

This doesn’t have to be huge or complicated. It can literally take 20 minutes. I have two kids and need to get them to school. Yet, the time between waking up and getting out of the door is infused with joy most of the time.

2. Tweak your day for more joy

Throughout the day we have tons of opportunities to shut down fear and stress and make way for joy and wellbeing.

You already know this, but here’s a reminder of some of the main ways you can explode joy in your day.

  • Cell Phone usage. Have clear boundaries with news intake, email and social media notifications. Have set periods for checking these and have notifications from apps turned off. This minimises fight or flight response.

  • Be present to your food. Before preparing or buying your food, ask yourself: what’s the most nourishing food I could give my body right now? After choosing it, be fully present. Eat with someone whose company you enjoy, savour each bite, notice the texture and how it feels in your body. Turn off devices during this time.

  • Be present to your surroundings. When you notice you’re not present, do a noticing exercise. Name 5 things you can see, something you can touch, something you can smell, sounds you can hear.

3. Swap device time for soul nourishing options

It’s so easy to grab our phones and start scrolling aimlessly as a form of relaxation/entertainment. Because of its addictive nature, it takes a real effort to choose other ways to wind down.

There’s certainly a place for Netflix and scrolling in our lives, but there are 1000 more fulfilling ways to unwind that will leave you feeling wonderful. Here are some of my favourites:

  • Playing board games (preferably funny ones)
  • Phone call with a dear friend (not text!)
  • Reading an uplifting book
  • Listening to an awesome podcast/audiobook
  • Taking a long bath
  • Handwriting love notes and gratitude lists
  • Dancing in the lounge (see a theme here?)
  • Picking up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try
  • Having a meal at the table with our favourite company
  • Walking in nature
  • Writing/ drawing/ colouring in)
  • What’s yours??

Beauty, connection, joy, love, compassion and creativity are on the menu every single day, no matter what’s going on.

But we MUST insist on cultivating it. It’s a choice.

If we don’t do it, we’ll keep being steered, by default, in the direction of fear and hopelessness.

And your spark is too precious and needed to be dimmed that way.

So, what are YOUR ways of stoking your inner fire and getting out of hopelessness?

I’d love to hear what you do to keep your vibes high.

With love,

Goddesses in the world - Celebrating the Goddess within

P.S. If you enjoyed this post, I’d love to invite you to sign up to my mailing list here. Every week I share loving insights & tips on how to reignite your inner spark and I’d love you to join our community.

Ange: Goddess of Style

Ange: Goddess of Style

Ange Macdonald is one of the most inspiring people I know. She’s the founder of You Style Co and is on a mission to empower people to live life on their own terms.

Our paths crossed a few years ago, when we were both killing it in our corporate careers and our connection was instant. Ange’s energy and desire to create an inspiring life is super contagious…

Fast forward a few years and, after dealing with a health scare and taking a few shots at doing work aligned with her essence and purpose, Ange is impacting hundreds of women’s lives as the founder of You Style Co.

If you can believe it, there was once a time when Ange didn’t feel confident about herself (like the majority of women I know) so I asked her to share her story and strategies to get where she is now – if you’re hiding behind your lack of confidence, we’re here to hold your hand.

Keep reading, goddess >>



My gentleness flows
Whether my anger knows it or not
Buried under the blurry thoughts
Running a mile an hour in my head.

I know. I know. I know.
Even when confusion seems to be the only thing I’m clear about
Until I remember where to look.

I get stuck in a dance between my past and the next step forward.
Between my brilliance and my darkest shadow. Looking outward,
knees-deep in muddy waters
Desperately hoping someone else shows me the way out.

But the compass keeps pointing at me
I look around, there’s nobody else.
Just me, my angst and my magic, sitting beside each other.

I pause, tune into the silence, look at the water
Feel the warmth of my knowing in my heart.
It’s there, it’s always there.
Welcome home, I hear.

I am the path, the walker and the destination.
I remember. I forget. I remember.
I close my eyes and I’m home again.